Welcome to Bastrop County 4-H!
Welcome ! How to Join 4-H Projects 4-H Resources
4-H Calendar, Blog, & Emails Upcoming Opportunities & Contests
4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. Any youth may become a member of 4-H when he or she has reached 9 years of age, or 8 years of age and has entered the third grade. Younger youth (K-2) can participate in a program called Clover Kids that allows them to experience 4-H through non-competitive, small project activities. They can register as a Clover Kid as long as they are in K-2nd grade. Their experience may vary from club to club based on what the club offers. We depend on our adult volunteers from the community to help facilitate most projects.
We are glad that you have chosen to be part of the largest non-formal youth education organization in the United States! Over 7 million youth participate in 4-H each year to become self-motivated, productive, and contributing citizens.
4-H is designed to be a family affair so 4-H parents are encouraged to get involved in the 4-H experience. Ways that 4-H parents can contribute range from serving as a project leader to providing transportation to activities, or even supplying refreshments for meetings or special events. 4-H parents are also needed to help supervise 4-H activities.
Bastrop County has an outstanding group of dedicated adult volunteer leaders as well as a superb group of motivated 4-H members. We welcome your family into our Bastrop County 4-H family! Please look through the information on this page to learn more about our program and feel free to contact the Bastrop County Extension Office (CEO) for more information about the county 4-H Program!
Best wishes for a fulfilling year in 4-H! We look forward to seeing you at events throughout the year.
– Your Bastrop County Extension & 4-H Family
Physical Address:
Bastrop County Extension Office |
Mailing Address:
Bastrop County 4-H |
Office Phone: 512-581-7186
Office Hours:
- Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Evenings & Weekends dependent on programming
County Extension Agents:
- 4-H & Youth Development: Mellanie Mickelson
- Ag & Natural Resources: Dakota Kempken
- Family & Community Health (FCH): Amanda Ortega
- Look at the current 4-H Clubs in the County and where they meet to determine what is feasible for your family
- Reach out to the Club Manager with questions and verify that meeting time & location have not changed (Examples: does your club have a Clover Kid program, what project areas are youth in this club actively participating in?)
- Attend 1 to 2 meetings to decide if the club is a good social fit for your family and you enjoy the programs and activities
- Once you have found the club that fits your family, register them in the Texas 4-H CONNECT system at https://tx.4honline.com:
- Create a family profile first
- Add each member of your family (youth and adult) in that profile
- Cost of membership is usually $25 to $30 for youth and $10 for adults
- Choose your projects and attend 4-H meetings, events, & activities!
- Welcome To 4-H Handout
- Family Profile Guide
- Enrollment Volunteer Quick Sheets – Renew | New
- Enrollment Youth Quick Sheets – Renew | New
- Event Registration Instructions
- Credit Card Management
- Password Management
- Registration Guide
- Club Managers- Logging In and Viewing Members
4-H is amazing and is not just about cows and plows, but we have those, too! Literally anything can be a 4-H project as long as it has the 4 main components of a project: 6 learning experiences, community service, leadership, & exhibition. Check out the handout below for more examples of what those could look like!
Rest assured that we support your interests and independent projects that might not fit into the categories below to make sure that your experience is exciting and makes a difference for you.
One-Page Project Overviews:
- Consumer Education Project
- Fashion & Interior Design Project
- Food & Nutrition Project
- Health & Personal Safety Project
Click Here to go to the Texas 4-H Project Page for more Information
- Select a project you like – check out a list of 4-H projects either in the menu above or at https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/projects/
- Consider the money and time it will take. Can parents/guardians help?
- Consider the space and equipment that you have at home.
- A 4-H project should be fun, serve a purpose, and be worth the effort.
- Select only the number of projects you can complete – try not to go crazy! Start out with 2 to 3 projects and see how you feel!
- Seek out people with similar 4-H project interests and see what the Project Leaders & County Extension Agents are doing in these project areas!
To help with planning a livestock project, we have a few resources – be sure to check out the Livestock Project One-Pager and the Livestock Shows & Validation Page. All youth wishing to show animal projects must also pass the Quality Counts Test as a Junior (3rd-5th grader), Intermediate (6th-8th grader), and Senior (9th-12th grader). If you have any questions at any time, or you are feeling overwhelmed and are having trouble finding a starting point, please contact the Bastrop County Extension Office at 512-581-7186.
Download the Livestock Project One-Pager
Go to the Livestock Shows & Validation Page
Please Note: Some special deadlines need to be kept in mind for new families wishing to exhibit livestock projects:
Texas has a State Validation program that assists with establishing and verifying the ownership period for livestock animals. This process requires exhibitors to order validation materials (RFID ear tag and DNA hair collection envelopes, in addition to nose-printing materials for lambs & steers) in order to prepare for the physical validation where the ear tag is administered, a hair sample is collected, and nose prints are taken for the species that require it. The timeline for these steps are listed below:
April: | Ordering time for Steer & Heifer Validation materials Ordering time for State Fair Lamb & Goat Validation materials Ordering time for State Fair Swine Validation materials |
June: | Physical validation of Steers & Heifers; starting ownership period Physical validation of State Fair Lambs & Goats; starting ownership period Physical validation of State Fair Swine; starting ownership period |
August: | Ordering time for Major Show Lamb & Goat Validation materials |
September: | Ordering time for Major Show Swine Validation materials Ordering time for Fall Heifer Validation materials |
October: | Physical validation of Heifers; starting ownership period Physical validation of Lambs & Goats; starting ownership period |
November: | Physical validation of Pigs; starting ownership period |
February: | Physical validation of Rabbits participating in the Bastrop Area Livestock Show |
March: | Physical Validation of Rabbits participating in the Smithville Livestock Show |
Some of our projects have gone virtual or have virtual resources – check out the links below!
- District 10 4-H Virtual Projects:
- Texas Youth Livestock & Agriculture – Livestock Project Support
**UPDATED 2022 Contest rules are in bold below:
- Judging Contest General Rules and Guidelines
- 2021 Texas 4-H Contest Changes and Reminder
- Ag Product – Project Pages | Guide
- Agricultural Technology & Farm Safety- Educational Presentations | Scoresheet
- Animal Science – Project Pages | Educational Presentations | Scoresheet
- Archery – Project Page | Information
- Beef: Educational Presentations | Scoresheet | Project Page
- Consumer Decision Making: Categories | Project Page
- Dairy Judging: Information | Save Date | Project Page – Updated 2/4/21
- Discover Science Method: Information | Project Page
- Duds to Dazzle: Packet | Project Page
- Entomology ID: Guidelines | Project Page
- Family Community Health Quiz Bowl: Information | Project Page
- Fashion Show: Packet | Project Page
- Food Challenge: Guidelines | Project Page
- Food Show: Guidelines | Project Page
- Health & Wellness: Educational Presentations | Scoresheet | Project Page
- Healthy Lifestyles Invitational: Information | Project Page
- Hippology: Information | Project Page
- Horse: Educational Presentations | Scoresheet | Project Page
- Horse Judging: Project Page
- Horse Quiz Bowl: Information | Project Page
- Leaders-4-Life: Packet | Scoresheet | Project Page
- Livestock Judging Contest and Invitational: FAQS | Project Pages
- Livestock Quiz Bowl Information | Project Page
- Livestock Skill-A-Thon: Information | Project Pages
- Meat Judging Invitational: Project Page
- Meat Judging: Guidelines | Project Page
- Open: Educational Presentations | Scoresheet | Project Page
- Open-Ag Natural Resources: Educational Presentations | Scoresheet | Project Page
- Open-Family Consumer Sciences: Educational Presentations | Scoresheet | Project Page
- Photography Judging Contest: Information | Resource Guide | Project Page
- Poultry Judging: Follow FFA CDE Rules | Project Page
- Promote 4-H: Educational Presentations | Scoresheet | Project Page
- Public Speaking: Scoresheet | Project Page
- Range & Pasture Grass ID: Information | Project Page
- Range Evaluation: Project Page
- Rifle-Indoors: 2020 Rules | Project Page
- Robotics Challenge: Guidelines | Project Page
- Safety/Injury: Educational Presentations | Scoresheet | Project Page
- Share-The-Fun: Letter | Project Page
- Soil Judging: Guidelines | Scorecard | Project Page
- Vet Science Skillathon: Guidelines | Project Page
- Wildlife Challenge: Information | Project Page
- Wool and Mohair Judging: Information | Project Page
Other Contest Opportunities
- 2021 Entomology Collection: Information| Project Page
- 2022 Storyboard: Packet| Project Page
- 2022 HLSR Livestock Quiz Bowl: Information| Project Page
Contests bolded above have been updated for 2022
- 4-H Connect Enrollment System
- Bastrop County 4-H Links:
- District 10 4-H Links:
- Fall Major Shows:
- State Fair of Texas (Dallas)
- Heart of Texas Fair & Rodeo (Waco)
- Spring Major Shows:
- County/Local Shows:
- Bastrop Area Livestock Show (BALS) (Bastrop)
- Elgin Livestock Show (ELSA) (Elgin)
- Smithville Livestock Show (Smithville)
- Travis County Youth Show (Austin – restrictions apply)
Click Here to go to the full Calendar
[ecs-list-events cat=”4-H, validations, 4-H show entries, 4-H poultry, 4-H workshops” limit=”15″]
Click Here to go to the Blog Page
- 2022 District 10 4-H Leadership Lab Registration CLOSES TONIGHT
- 2022 District 10 4-H Leadership Lab
- 2022 Texas 4-H Roundup Event Reminders
- 2021-2022 Bastrop & Travis County Photography and Videography Contests
- 2022-2023 County Council Officer Announcement & Meeting Dates
- 2022 Smithville Livestock Show Schedule & Expense Sheet Reminders
- 2022-2023 Summer Livestock Validation Tag Orders (Steers, Heifers, SF Lamb & Goat, SF Swine)
- County 4-H Council Meeting Reminders - 04/05/22
- 2022 ELSA / BCJLS Meeting Moved to April 11, 2022
- 2022 District 10 Spring 4-H Roundup Contests
- 2022 Smithville Livestock Show Dates & Expense Sheet Reminders
- 2022 Bastrop Show (BALSFA) Open Meeting & Auction Thank You Reminders
- 2022 4-H/FFA Barn Dance
- 2022 4-H Recordbook Training
- Happy New Year 2022!
2021-2022 4-H Year:
The new 4-H Year starts September 1st of each year – be sure to enroll as soon as possible to receive the email blasts directly to your email!
- 2022 District 10 4-H Leadership Lab Registration CLOSES TONIGHT
- 2022 District 10 4-H Leadership Lab
- 2022 Texas 4-H Roundup Event Reminders
- 2021-2022 Bastrop & Travis County Photography and Videography Contests
- 2022-2023 County Council Officer Announcement & Meeting Dates
- 2022 Smithville Livestock Show Schedule & Expense Sheet Reminders
- CEO Closed 04/06/22 for Powerline Work
- 2022-2023 Summer Livestock Validation Tag Orders (Steers, Heifers, SF Lamb & Goat, SF Swine)
- County 4-H Council Meeting Reminders – 04/05/22
- 2022 ELSA / BCJLS Meeting Moved to April 11, 2022