12/31/2020 4-H Email Blast: General Updates & Information

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  • Office Hours
  • In-Person Meeting Opportunities/Guidelines
  • Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Training
  • Upcoming Trainings & Opportunities
  • Other Opportunities

Howdy and Happy Thursday, Y’all!

We hope you had a fabulous and relaxing holiday!  As we get ready to jump into 2021 tonight, we hope all of your hopes, dreams, and goals come true!  We can’t wait to see what this year brings and we are excited for you to be taking the journey with us!

Please remember that you can see all of the upcoming workshops and opportunities on our calendar at https://bastrop.agrilife.org/calendar/.  Right now, these may be a little limited as we receive updates from the State and Local governments, as well as our Agency.  We are going to be calling some 4-H Ambassador and Club Manager Meetings to try to plan for spring opportunities with the information we have and the updated livestock show schedules.


  • The CEO will be closed Friday, January 1, 2021, in observation of the New Year’s Holidays
  • Normal Office Hours:
    • Monday – Friday
    • 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    • Closed from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM for Lunch
  • Current Staffing for January 2021:
    • Mondays/Tuesdays – Mellanie & Ashley are working in the office
    • Wednesday – Fridays – Hillary is working in the office
    • We will be periodically sending out updated schedules as we send out reminders to livestock exhibitors for the shows


  • As we move into the spring, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services and the Texas A&M University System has provided all county 4-H programs with updated guidance on in-person activities and programs.  These guidelines look at several different factors and categorize the counties into Green, Yellow, or Red categories:
    • Red Level: No face-to-face Extension-hosted or Extension-sponsored events; No guest speaking or presenting at other entities’ events; No overnight events
    • Yellow Level: Group meetings with a limit of 10 people at 75% capacity of space or less are allowed only if social distancing can be practiced; No overnight events; Seek alternative methods to deliver face-to-face meetings and educational programs.
    • Green Level: Group meetings with a limit of 50 people at 75% capacity or less are allowed only if social distancing can be practiced (requires prior approval of County Extension Office); All overnight events require a submission of a preparedness plan that is approved; AgriLife Extension requires a screening form for each participant at day youth events and all overnight events and programs; Daily temperature checks are required at all overnight events.
  •  We are currently listed as a “RED” categorization through January 6th, at which time we will receive an updated status.  This means that we are NOT allowed to host any in-person meetings or activities at this time.  We can attend and participate in the livestock shows since those are not run by 4-H/Extension. 
  • We are working on virtual opportunities for projects while keeping them fun – we are open to any ideas/suggestions, please feel free to send them our way!
  • Projects we are working on include:
    • Consumer Education
    • Leaders 4 Life
    • Fashion & Interior Design


  • If you missed the link for the Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Training put on by Megan Logan, the recording is available online at https://youtu.be/3_RrhOeHb_4 at your convenience!
  • Graduating Seniors, please make sure that you are working on these applications now, while you have the time.  Please let us know if you have any questions!
  • The Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Information is available at https://texas4hfoundation.org/about-scholarships/
  • ALL Applications are due February 15, 2021 in the scholarship portal


    • Scheduled for 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM at the Bastrop Area Livestock Show Barn on the following Saturdays:
      • Saturday, January 23, 2020
    • RSVP by texting or emailing Miss Mellanie or Miss Ashley if you are planning on coming to the weigh day(s)


  • Other opportunities can be found on the County Calendar – registration information should be included for each post.
  • Other Contest related opportunities can be found on the Judging Card Calendar – to sign up for these opportunities, please contact Mellanie at [email protected] or at 512-581-7186.

Please let us know if you have any questions and have a great week!!!


Mellanie L. Mickelson
Bastrop County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services

P.O. Box 650 | 901 Pecan Street | Bastrop, TX 78602
p: (512) 581-7186 | c: (512) 522-9174 | f: (512) 581-7187
[email protected]

Website – https://bastrop.agrilife.org
Blog – www.bastrop4h.blogspot.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/BastropCounty4H


Happy Holidays 2020!

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We are incredibly thankful for all of our community members!  We hope you and your families have a fabulous holiday break with rest and relaxation, and we wish you a happy and prosperous new year!!

Please note that our office will be closed in observation of the winter holidays on the following dates:

  • Thursday, December 24th
  • Friday, December 35th
  • Friday, January 1st


2020-2021 District 10 4-H Community Service Project

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The District 10 4-H Council has decided that for this years community service project they want to give back to local schools within your area.

They would like for each county to host a school supply drive, collect the items in the County Extension Office and then prepare boxes/baskets to be dropped off at local schools in your county for the teachers and students to have access to. Below is a flyer regarding the project.

This will be an ongoing community service project for Bastrop County 4-H from January 2021 to May 2021.  We will plan to drop off supplies collected at the local schools around the county at the end of each month.  Please let us know if you have any questions!


Big Youth Workshop

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Save the Date! The BIG Youth Workshop is set for January 5, 2021. This workshop will be held in conjunction with the BIG Conference, but will be held virtually. Students will gain knowledge about “Connecting Agriculture & their Communities” from our amazing line-up of speakers. Registration is currently open and will remain open until January 1, 2021. Registration is, however, limited to those students in 7th-12th grade.

Dairy Judging Contest – Save the Date – 02/06/21

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With the cancellation of many of the Dairy Judging contest at our major shows this spring, the Texas 4-H Program along with Districts 4, 8, 10 and 11 will be hosting a joint contest in Sulphur Springs, TX on Saturday, February 6, 2021. For Senior 4-H teams, this contest will serve as the national 4-H qualifying event. The team and individual rankings will be based upon the Sulphur Springs 4-H Dairy Judging Contest Rules and Guidelines.

This contest will be open to all 4-H members. There will be no limit to the number of teams a county can enter.

Contest Rules and Guidelines will be posted to the Texas 4-H Roundup page in December. https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/events/roundup/

Registration will open Monday, January 4, 2021 through 4HOnline and close on Monday, January 18, 2021. You will be able to register for a District contest using the same event should you be from D4, D8, D10 or D11. You will still be considered for the overall state rankings as long as you select you want to participate in the State contest along with your District’s event.

The Texas 4-H Program will offer state level awards based on age divisions to the top 2 overall teams as well as the Top 10 Individuals.

The highest placing Senior 4-H team at the Texas 4-H / Multi District Dairy Judging Contest will be given the opportunity to represent the Texas 4-H Youth Development Program at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin in October 2021.

The second highest placing Senior 4-H team at the Texas 4-H / Multi District Dairy Judging Contest will be given the opportunity to represent the Texas 4-H Youth Development Program at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky in November 2021.

Be aware that the national contest registration process and fees as well as cost of travel will be the responsibility of the county and/or individual 4-H members that qualify.

See the 2021 Texas 4-H Roundup Guide and the specific national contest guidelines for additional rules.

Big Youth Workshop

AgriLife Logo


Save the Date! The BIG Youth Workshop is set for January 5, 2021. This workshop will be held in conjunction with the BIG Conference, but will be held virtually. Students will gain knowledge about “Connecting Agriculture & their Communities” from our amazing line-up of speakers. Registration is currently open and will remain open until January 1, 2021. Registration is, however, limited to those students in 7th-12th grade.

Dairy Judging Contest

AgriLife Logo

With the cancellation of many of the Dairy Judging contest at our major shows this spring, the Texas 4-H Program along with Districts 4, 8, 10 and 11 will be hosting a joint contest in Sulphur Springs, TX on Saturday, February 6, 2021. For Senior 4-H teams, this contest will serve as the national 4-H qualifying event. The team and individual rankings will be based upon the Sulphur Springs 4-H Dairy Judging Contest Rules and Guidelines.

This contest will be open to all 4-H members. There will be no limit to the number of teams a county can enter.

Contest Rules and Guidelines will be posted to the Texas 4-H Roundup page in December. https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/events/roundup/

Registration will open Monday, January 4, 2021 through 4HOnline and close on Monday, January 18, 2021. You will be able to register for a District contest using the same event should you be from D4, D8, D10 or D11. You will still be considered for the overall state rankings as long as you select you want to participate in the State contest along with your District’s event.

The Texas 4-H Program will offer state level awards based on age divisions to the top 2 overall teams as well as the Top 10 Individuals.

The highest placing Senior 4-H team at the Texas 4-H / Multi District Dairy Judging Contest will be given the opportunity to represent the Texas 4-H Youth Development Program at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin in October 2021.

The second highest placing Senior 4-H team at the Texas 4-H / Multi District Dairy Judging Contest will be given the opportunity to represent the Texas 4-H Youth Development Program at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky in November 2021.

Be aware that the national contest registration process and fees as well as cost of travel will be the responsibility of the county and/or individual 4-H members that qualify.

See the 2021 Texas 4-H Roundup Guide and the specific national contest guidelines for additional rules.

2020-2021 District 10 Photography Contest Information

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 Please see the letter below regarding the 2020-2021 District 10 4-H Photography Contest.

The letter may also be downloaded from the District 10 website at

12/11/2020 4-H Email Blast: General Updates & Information (Resent 12/14/20)

AgriLife Logo


  • Office Hours
  • In-Person Meeting Opportunities/Guidelines
  • Pecan Auxiliary Raffle Tickets
  • Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Training
  • Upcoming Trainings & Opportunities
  • Other Opportunities

Howdy and Happy Friday Monday, Y’all!

I wanted to resend our email blast today – it seems we had LOTS of technology issues going on last week with internet and the email blast getting marked as spam in our Outlook system. We think we have everything fixed and addressed, however, please be sure to check your spam folders for information every once in a while.  Thank you all SO MUCH for your patience with all of these challenges this year – we apologize for the inconvenience and want you to know that you are appreciated!

We wanted to pass on a few quick updates now that we have submitted all major livestock show entries and are getting ready to move into a new year.  Please remember that you can see all of the upcoming workshops and opportunities on our calendar at https://bastrop.agrilife.org/calendar/.


  • The CEO will be closed Thursday & Friday, December 24-25, 2020, in observation of the Christmas Holidays
  • Mellanie will be off work from December 21-23, 2020, with the exception of a couple of meetings.  She will periodically check emails.
  • The CEO will be closed Friday, January 1, 2021, in observation of the New Year’s Holidays
  • Normal Office Hours:
    • Monday – Friday
    • 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    • Closed from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM for Lunch
  • Current Staffing for December 2020:
    • Mondays/Tuesdays – Mellanie & Ashley are working in the office
    • Wednesday – Fridays – Hillary is working in the office


  • As we move into the spring, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services and the Texas A&M University System has provided all county 4-H programs with updated guidance on in-person activities and programs.  These guidelines look at several different factors and categorize the counties into Green, Yellow, or Red categories:
    • Red Level: No face-to-face Extension-hosted or Extension-sponsored events; No guest speaking or presenting at other entities’ events; No overnight events
    • Yellow Level: Group meetings with a limit of 10 people at 75% capacity of space or less are allowed only if social distancing can be practiced; No overnight events; Seek alternative methods to deliver face-to-face meetings and educational programs.
    • Green Level: Group meetings with a limit of 50 people at 75% capacity or less are allowed only if social distancing can be practiced (requires prior approval of County Extension Office); All overnight events require a submission of a preparedness plan that is approved; AgriLife Extension requires a screening form for each participant at day youth events and all overnight events and programs; Daily temperature checks are required at all overnight events.
  • We are currently listed as a “Green” categorization through December 23rd, at which time we will receive an updated status.  If we continue to be listed as a green county, we will work on integrating some combination in-person/virtual activities in the spring.


  • Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bastrop County Pecan Auxiliary has decided to have a fundraiser raffle in lieu of our traditional December Bake Show and Sale.  All items for the raffle have been donated, therefore all proceeds raised will benefit 4-H scholarships for Seniors and 4-H leadership lab tuition assistance.  Tickets are $5 each, or a book of 6 tickets for $25.  Winning tickets will be drawn on January 4, therefore all tickets and money will need to be returned to the County Extension Office by December 31 at Noon.  If you are interested in selling tickets, please contact the Extension office to schedule a time to pick up tickets.
  • If you have questions, you may call the County Extension Office at 512-581-7186, Rachel Bauer at 512-468-7953, or Becky Schaefer at 512-284-4989.


  • If you missed the link for the Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Training put on by Megan Logan, the recording is available online at https://youtu.be/3_RrhOeHb_4 at your convenience!
  • Graduating Seniors, please make sure that you are working on these applications now, while you have the time.  Please let us know if you have any questions!
  • The Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Information is available at https://texas4hfoundation.org/about-scholarships/
  • ALL Applications are due February 15, 2021 in the scholarship portal


  • VIRTUAL OPPORTUNITIES: RSVP Required for the opportunities below
    • All Meeting access information will be emailed out about 24-48 hours before the meeting.  We will check for late RSVP’s
        • We are hosting a virtual planning meeting for the Dog Project at 5:00 PM on Monday, December 14, via Zoom.
        • The meeting will last about 1 hour and will include a brief overview of the dog project, some of the opportunities, what we did last year, and answering any questions about the project.
        • RSVP online at https://forms.gle/Bp7ndBLYwbBVxob7A
        • NOTE: due to our technology issues, we will be recording this session and sending it out afterwards.  We will check for any last minute RSVP’s about 15 minutes before tonight’s session, as well!
        • We are hosting a virtual New 4-H Parent Orientation at 6:00 PM on Thursday, December 17, 2020
        • RSVP online at https://forms.gle/1FnYmYdrYj68zCYq8 
        • The meeting will last about 1 hour and will include a brief overview of the structure of 4-H and the role of parents and volunteers.  We’ll also address how some of those things are changed by this year and resources that are available to 4-H families.


    • Scheduled for 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM at the Bastrop Area Livestock Show Barn on the following Saturdays:
      • Saturday, December 19, 2020
      • Saturday, January 23, 2020
    • RSVP by texting or emailing Miss Mellanie or Miss Ashley if you are planning on coming to the weigh day(s)


  • Other opportunities can be found on the County Calendar – registration information should be included for each post.
  • Other Contest related opportunities can be found on the Judging Card Calendar – to sign up for these opportunities, please contact Mellanie at [email protected] or at 512-581-7186

Please let us know if you have any questions and have a great week!!!


Mellanie L. Mickelson
Bastrop County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services

P.O. Box 650 | 901 Pecan Street | Bastrop, TX 78602
p: (512) 581-7186 | c: (512) 522-9174 | f: (512) 581-7187
[email protected]

Website – https://bastrop.agrilife.org
Blog – www.bastrop4h.blogspot.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/BastropCounty4H


12/11/2020 4-H Email Blast: General Updates & Information (Resent 12/14/20)

AgriLife Logo


  • Office Hours
  • In-Person Meeting Opportunities/Guidelines
  • Pecan Auxiliary Raffle Tickets
  • Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Training
  • Upcoming Trainings & Opportunities
  • Other Opportunities

Howdy and Happy Friday Monday, Y’all!

I wanted to resend our email blast today – it seems we had LOTS of technology issues going on last week with internet and the email blast getting marked as spam in our Outlook system. We think we have everything fixed and addressed, however, please be sure to check your spam folders for information every once in a while.  Thank you all SO MUCH for your patience with all of these challenges this year – we apologize for the inconvenience and want you to know that you are appreciated!

We wanted to pass on a few quick updates now that we have submitted all major livestock show entries and are getting ready to move into a new year.  Please remember that you can see all of the upcoming workshops and opportunities on our calendar at https://bastrop.agrilife.org/calendar/.


  • The CEO will be closed Thursday & Friday, December 24-25, 2020, in observation of the Christmas Holidays
  • Mellanie will be off work from December 21-23, 2020, with the exception of a couple of meetings.  She will periodically check emails.
  • The CEO will be closed Friday, January 1, 2021, in observation of the New Year’s Holidays
  • Normal Office Hours:
    • Monday – Friday
    • 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    • Closed from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM for Lunch
  • Current Staffing for December 2020:
    • Mondays/Tuesdays – Mellanie & Ashley are working in the office
    • Wednesday – Fridays – Hillary is working in the office


  • As we move into the spring, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services and the Texas A&M University System has provided all county 4-H programs with updated guidance on in-person activities and programs.  These guidelines look at several different factors and categorize the counties into Green, Yellow, or Red categories:
    • Red Level: No face-to-face Extension-hosted or Extension-sponsored events; No guest speaking or presenting at other entities’ events; No overnight events
    • Yellow Level: Group meetings with a limit of 10 people at 75% capacity of space or less are allowed only if social distancing can be practiced; No overnight events; Seek alternative methods to deliver face-to-face meetings and educational programs.
    • Green Level: Group meetings with a limit of 50 people at 75% capacity or less are allowed only if social distancing can be practiced (requires prior approval of County Extension Office); All overnight events require a submission of a preparedness plan that is approved; AgriLife Extension requires a screening form for each participant at day youth events and all overnight events and programs; Daily temperature checks are required at all overnight events.
  • We are currently listed as a “Green” categorization through December 23rd, at which time we will receive an updated status.  If we continue to be listed as a green county, we will work on integrating some combination in-person/virtual activities in the spring.


  • Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bastrop County Pecan Auxiliary has decided to have a fundraiser raffle in lieu of our traditional December Bake Show and Sale.  All items for the raffle have been donated, therefore all proceeds raised will benefit 4-H scholarships for Seniors and 4-H leadership lab tuition assistance.  Tickets are $5 each, or a book of 6 tickets for $25.  Winning tickets will be drawn on January 4, therefore all tickets and money will need to be returned to the County Extension Office by December 31 at Noon.  If you are interested in selling tickets, please contact the Extension office to schedule a time to pick up tickets.
  • If you have questions, you may call the County Extension Office at 512-581-7186, Rachel Bauer at 512-468-7953, or Becky Schaefer at 512-284-4989.


  • If you missed the link for the Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Training put on by Megan Logan, the recording is available online at https://youtu.be/3_RrhOeHb_4 at your convenience!
  • Graduating Seniors, please make sure that you are working on these applications now, while you have the time.  Please let us know if you have any questions!
  • The Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Information is available at https://texas4hfoundation.org/about-scholarships/
  • ALL Applications are due February 15, 2021 in the scholarship portal


  • VIRTUAL OPPORTUNITIES: RSVP Required for the opportunities below
    • All Meeting access information will be emailed out about 24-48 hours before the meeting.  We will check for late RSVP’s
        • We are hosting a virtual planning meeting for the Dog Project at 5:00 PM on Monday, December 14, via Zoom.
        • The meeting will last about 1 hour and will include a brief overview of the dog project, some of the opportunities, what we did last year, and answering any questions about the project.
        • RSVP online at https://forms.gle/Bp7ndBLYwbBVxob7A
        • NOTE: due to our technology issues, we will be recording this session and sending it out afterwards.  We will check for any last minute RSVP’s about 15 minutes before tonight’s session, as well!
        • We are hosting a virtual New 4-H Parent Orientation at 6:00 PM on Thursday, December 17, 2020
        • RSVP online at https://forms.gle/1FnYmYdrYj68zCYq8 
        • The meeting will last about 1 hour and will include a brief overview of the structure of 4-H and the role of parents and volunteers.  We’ll also address how some of those things are changed by this year and resources that are available to 4-H families.


    • Scheduled for 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM at the Bastrop Area Livestock Show Barn on the following Saturdays:
      • Saturday, December 19, 2020
      • Saturday, January 23, 2020
    • RSVP by texting or emailing Miss Mellanie or Miss Ashley if you are planning on coming to the weigh day(s)


  • Other opportunities can be found on the County Calendar – registration information should be included for each post.
  • Other Contest related opportunities can be found on the Judging Card Calendar – to sign up for these opportunities, please contact Mellanie at [email protected] or at 512-581-7186

Please let us know if you have any questions and have a great week!!!


Mellanie L. Mickelson
Bastrop County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services

P.O. Box 650 | 901 Pecan Street | Bastrop, TX 78602
p: (512) 581-7186 | c: (512) 522-9174 | f: (512) 581-7187
[email protected]

Website – https://bastrop.agrilife.org
Blog – www.bastrop4h.blogspot.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/BastropCounty4H