08/28/2020 Email Blast: 4-H Enrollment and Council/Club Meeting Updates


Howdy and happy Friday!

We hope y’all are doing well and are having a successful first week (or two) of school.  We are working hard to start planning 4-H events and practices for this year!!  We are going to try to break down our normal email blasts a little so they are not too long and so you can sort through them based on your projects, so this email blast will mainly focus on 4-H enrollment and club meetings.  Please look out for some FCH Project and Livestock Project emails in the next few days.

To update you all, we are limited in our capacity in general for in-person meetings – we are required to follow guidelines of 25% capacity for any venue and our events must be less than 50 people.  This will be the requirement that we have to follow until further notice.  For now, we are having a hard time finding facilities and space that will be large enough for us to be able to host in-person practices or events, so we are asking for you all to help us brainstorm some locations for future activities.  If you have ideas, please email them to [email protected].

On that note, let’s talk about 4-H CONNECT, Council meetings, and Club meetings!

4-H CONNECT & Enrollment Updates:

  • Website: https://tx.4honline.com/
  • The new system is a little glitchy right now; the developers are working through most of the issues pretty quickly.  If you encounter any issues please email me and I will submit an IT ticket for them to address the issue.
  • Adult Volunteers: with the new system, we will need you all to take the 2 main trainings, again.  To do so, please log in to your profile and click on trainings to view the links to them.
  • Clover Kids moving to 3rd Grade: Please wait to enroll your kiddos moving up to 3rd grade this year until after September 1st, otherwise the system will keep them as a clover kid this year and they will not be able to register for events
  • Other Youth Enrollment: Please keep enrolling your youth as soon as possible.  We will be switching over to sending the email blast from the 4-H CONNECT system in September once the glitches die down and youth will need to be listed as “active” in order to keep receiving the email blasts.

4-H Council Meetings

  • Council meetings will be virtual until further notice; the meetings will take place from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM on the following dates:
    • Tuesday, September 1, 2020
    • Tuesday, October 6, 2020
    • Tuesday, December 1, 2020
    • Tuesday, February 2, 2020
    • Tuesday, April 6, 2020 – Officer Elections for 2021-2022
  • To RSVP for Council Meetings, sign up at: https://forms.gle/fUNn9kcoS39BNALw7 and complete the  virtual waiver (1 waiver per family for the whole year!)
  • Information is also posted on the Youth Leadership Page of our website under County Council including the agendas, proposed bylaw changes, and meeting minutes
  • Our September 1, 2020 meeting information is available:  Agenda | Proposed Bylaw Changes
    • Please note that the agenda may change slightly between now and the meeting next week
    • All proposed changes in the bylaws are marked in bright red for your convenience

4-H Club Meetings

  • Bastrop 4-H Club Meetings
    • Bastrop 4-H Club meetings will be virtual until further notice – they will take place on the 2nd Mondays of each month (September – April)
    • To RSVP for the meetings: sign up for meetings online and complete the virtual waiver
    • Bastrop 4-H Club Members, please help us decide what time to meet on those days by selecting the time option that works best for your family on our Poll
    • Meeting access information will be emailed 24-48 hours before the meeting to those who have both RSVP’s and turned in their waivers (please do not share the meeting access information with anyone for the safety of our participants)
  • Rockne 4-H Club Meetings
    • Rockne 4-H Club meetings will be virtual until further notice – they will take place on the 2nd Wednesdays of each month (September – April) at 6:30 PM
    • To RSVP for the meetings: sign up for meetings online and complete the virtual waiver
    • Meeting access information will be emailed 24-48 hours before the meeting to those who have both RSVP’s and turned in their waivers (please do not share the meeting access information with anyone for the safety of our participants)
  • Loblolly 4-H Club & Smithville 4-H Club are currently planning their meeting formats; please stay in touch with your club managers

That’s all we have for now!  Have a great weekend and look out for those project emails!


Mellanie L. Mickelson
Bastrop County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services

P.O. Box 650 | 901 Pecan Street | Bastrop, TX 78602
p: (512) 581-7186 | c: (512) 522-9174 | f: (512) 581-7187
[email protected]

Website – https://bastrop.agrilife.org
Blog – www.bastrop4h.blogspot.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/BastropCounty4H 

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