Category Archives: 4-H Ambassador

05/07/21 4-H Email Blast: District 10 Leadership Lab Information

05/07/21 DISTRICT 10 LEADERSHIP LAB INFORMATION INFORMATION IN THIS EMAIL BLAST (IN ORDER): Quick Event Overview Registration Information Additional Links & Information Other Opportunities Hey all!We just received the information for our District 10 Leadership Lab for this year!  This is an incredibly fun opportunity for youth ages 13 and older to get to meet and interact with other youth in the District, learn leadership activities and skills, and to potentially run for additional leadership positions!  If you serve in a youth leadership role (teen leader, club officer,… Read More →

04/09/21 4-H Email Blast: livestock Reminders, Youth Leadership, Awards, & Scholarship Applications

4/09/21 LIVESTOCK REMINDERS, YOUTH LEADERSHIP, AWARDS, & SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS INFORMATION IN THIS EMAIL BLAST (IN ORDER): BALSFA Thank You Notes Smithville Livestock Show Updates Award Applications Youth Leadership Applications Scholarship Applications Other Opportunities BALSFA THANK YOU NOTES: We wanted to pass on a quick reminder that BALSFA thank you notes need to be at our office by 12:00 Noon Thursday, April 15th, so we can verify them per the BALS rules.  Any notes turned in after this will result in the exhibitor being fined $50.00. Many of you are familiar… Read More →