Category Archives: 4-H Livestock

2021 South Texas Double Trouble Prospect Show – 11/13/21

Sonny Domsch Memorial Prospect Show – 10/09/21

2021 Tyler Bowman Memorial Prospect Show – 10/23/21


Cotton Country Classic Jackpot Shows

08/24/21 4-H Email Blast: Bastrop Area Livestock Show Updates & New Opportunities!

08/24/21 BASTROP AREA LIVESTOCK SHOW UPDATES & NEW OPPORTUNITIES Hey all! We are excited to share several upcoming dates and opportunities for the Bastrop Area Livestock Show!  There are a few updates and changes – please be sure to read through the rulebook.  Below are several reminders and updates to help you! Please let us know if you have any questions and have a great week! UPCOMING DATES: Next Thursday, September 2nd, 2021, from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM at the Bastrop Show Barn will be the first… Read More →

08/24/21 4-H Email Blast: New 4-H Year Enrollment Reminders

  08/24/21 NEW 4-H YEAR ENROLLMENT REMINDERS Hey all! We are excited to start a brand new 4-H year for 2021-2022!  The 4-H year will start on September 1st, 2021 and run through August 31st, 2022.  Anyone who would like to show animals, participate in club meetings, or any other 4-H activities will need to enroll (and RE-enroll for the upcoming 4-H year).  We would like everyone to do so as soon as possible so we can get your enrollment approved and get our year started! Check out… Read More →

08/23/21 4-H Livestock Email Blast: Quality Counts Reminders & HOT Entry Information Reminders

08/23/21 Quality Counts Reminders & Heart O’ Texas (HOT) Entry Information Reminders Hey y’all and happy Monday! I wanted to send out a quick reminder that the entry deadline for the Heart O’ Texas (HOT) show is coming up pretty quickly.  Entries are due to the County Extension Office by 12:00 Noon next Thursday, September 2, 2021.  Links to the entries are available towards the bottom of this email. Have a great week and let us know if you have any questions! QUALITY COUNTS REMINDERS – REQUIRED FOR ALL MAJOR… Read More →

08/16/2021 4-H Livestock Email Blast: Major Lamb, Goat, Heifer & Swine Tags + Major Show Broiler Orders

08/16/21 MAJOR LAMB, GOAT, HEIFER, & SWINE TAG ORDERS + MAJOR BROILER ORDERS Hey all! It’s time to start ordering validation tags for the 2021-2022 Major Shows (Fort Worth, San Angelo, San Antonio, Houston, Rodeo Austin, etc.).  As a reminder, all animals that will be shown at the major shows must be state validated. However, our local shows (Bastrop, Elgin, or Smithville) do NOT require animals to be state validated.  Animals only being shown at the local shows may be validated at their respective show entry & validation nights…. Read More →

07/24/21 4-H Livestock Email Blast: Quality Counts Reminders & HOT Entry Information

07/24/21 Quality Counts Reminders & Heart O’ Texas (HOT) Entry Information QUALITY COUNTS REMINDERS – REQUIRED FOR ALL MAJOR SHOWS, BASTROP, & ELGIN SHOWS: All NEW exhibitors and exhibitors who have moved up in age groups (if you moved from 5th to 6th grade or from 8th to 9th grade) will be required to complete Quality Counts training and the test to show at local and major livestock shows.  The training is divided into Junior (3-5 grade), Intermediate (6-8 grade), and Senior (9-12 grade) divisions according to the exhibitor’s age.  A Quality… Read More →

07/23/21 4-H Livestock Email Blast: Quality Counts Reminders & State Fair Entry Information

07/23/21 Quality Counts Reminders & State Fair Entry Information QUALITY COUNTS REMINDERS – REQUIRED FOR ALL MAJOR SHOWS, BASTROP, & ELGIN SHOWS: All NEW exhibitors and exhibitors who have moved up in age groups (if you moved from 5th to 6th grade or from 8th to 9th grade) will be required to complete Quality Counts training and the test to show at local and major livestock shows.  The training is divided into Junior (3-5 grade), Intermediate (6-8 grade), and Senior (9-12 grade) divisions according to the exhibitor’s age.  A Quality Counts number… Read More →