D10 Fashion Show and Storyboard Contests (03/29/21)

Please see letters attached for 4-H Fashion Show Buying & Construction and Natural Fibers and 4-H Storyboard.  They can be downloaded below:

Two important things to remember for these contests:

  1. We will allow construction and buying items to be entered this year that were made/bought last year (2019-2020) since we did not have a contest in 2020.
  2. Storyboard is no longer a qualifying contest. (The state contest is invitational [open to everyone!]).

COUNTY DEADLINE FOR FASHION STORYBOARDS: Fashion Storyboards are DUE to the County Extension Office by 12:00 Noon on Thursday, March 18, 2021 – this means all glue must be dry, all items are attached, and it is ready for judging at that time.  Any storyboards NOT at the County Extension Office by the deadline will not be judged at District.


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